Dr. Leonor Zozaya

Distrito de Coímbra, Portugal

I have a B. A. degree in History at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM, Spain, 1998), and a PhD in History at the same University (2008). I have been awarded a number of academic contracts and grants during my academic career. I have also work in archive management. I was Assistant Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid (2006-2011). I also teach Palaeography periodically, mainly online (FCD, ETD). I have over fifty publications to my name, of which I am the principal author of all except six. I have participated in ten national and foreign conferences as co-organizer, as the Interdisciplinary Conferences of the AHLiST, held at China (2013), Colombia (2014) y Portugal (2015). I have participated in nine projects of investigation on History, linked to the CSIC, and one to UCM.

I am triying to learn how to use "aboutme".

  • Work
    • Historian
  • Education
    • PhD in History