Dr. Kimberly Leverette

Springfield, Illinois, United States

Dr. Kimberly L. Leverette is currently the Interim Assistant Director of Human Resources and working to improve the recruitment, hiring and retention of educators who will make a lasting impact on the lives of children.

She served as Principal at Harvard Park Elementary School for Springfield District 186 in Springfield, Illinois. As the instructional leader for four years a major transformation took place at a school with 98% poverty. She focused on raising student achievement by looking at student data; parental involvement and creating an action plan with the instructional leadership team. She has a proven success record in the development and implementation of staff development at the district and school level. She is passionate about helping teachers transform their instruction to higher levels and is adept at building positive relationships while creating a sense of urgency around student achievement by focusing on the data. In 2012 Harvard Park received the Academic Improvement Award from the Illinois State Board of Education for continual improvement on ISAT.

In addition, she was responsible for ensuring the alignment of professional development that was sustainable and moved teaching and learning forward in the classroom while focusing on common core and the new teacher evaluation system. Professional development was job-embedded and staff had the unique opportunity to be released to watch peers teach as well as plan and co-teach lessons.

Dr. Leverette was instrumental in reducing the number of student suspensions during her tenure as well as implementing a school-wide uniform policy during her first year at Harvard Park. She continued to develop partnerships with the community that included developing a reading mentorship program closely tied to student reading achievement and focusing on Tier II students.

Dr. Leverette successfully linked the school and community connection with parents by having Student of the Month recognition breakfast for parents and students. She continued to strengthen family night events that were curriculum focused and took into account the unique needs of the students and families she served. She implemented extra-curricular programs starting with a basketball team. these event s were attended and received positively in the community.

She began the end of her second year with an Extreme School Makeover, which turned 100 years old! The makeover was the rebirth of a school

  • Work
    • Springfield Public Schools
  • Education
    • Doctorate of Education, Maryville University, St. Louis, Missouri
    • Specilist Degree in School Administration, Oakland University, MI
    • Master in Curriculum and Instruction, Michigan State Univeristy
    • Bachelors of Arts in Elementary Education, Michigan State Univerisity