Libby Miller
Writer, Editor, and Musician in Davis, California
Libby Miller
Writer, Editor, and Musician in Davis, California
Writer, reader, listener, traveler, swimmer, singer, lover of people. Searching for clarity, conciseness, and the perfect font. In that order. Stories people tell to make sense of the world and themselves. listening to foreign languages with no idea what anyone just said. My own language is... in a state of revision at all times. I revise everything. Then I revise it again, and again. I'm a revisionist. Sorry 'bout that.
That's me on the right, with signature headband. The beautiful woman next to me is my younger sister. We took this selfie in a Peruvian train bathroom coming home from the Inca Trail trek to Machu Picchu together. It was a short trip to South America including Argentina and Brazil. But Peru was my favorite. Years later, all I see in dreams are paths back to the Andes. Suggestions/[legal] ideas/Kickstarter pitches welcome.