ligan drol

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A novel class of androgen receptor ligands are selective androgen receptor modulators or SARMs. They are meant to have the same effects as androgenic drugs, but they are much more selective in their action so that they can be used for more applications than the relatively limited legitimate uses of anabolic steroids

It's like trying to tweak a microchip with a sledgehammer using steroids to raise the hormones. Steroids help you build muscle by increasing testosterone, resulting in increased protein synthesis in your cells, muscle building, and fat burning. That's called the steroid's anabolic side, and it's good. But, steroids come with a lot of side-effects.

That’s when SARMs come into the picture. These are much more stable than steroids, boasting anabolic-to-androgenic ratios from 3:1 to 90:1. This means you can still get muscle growth and loss of weight, but SARMs will not give you man boobs or make you the bearded lady. You can also orally take SARMs. No injection need.

So, let’s tell you about 3 different types of SARMs that you can use per your needs. And, we will also tell you how to stack some quality SARMs for post-cycle therapy, commonly known as PCT.

You may have heard a lot about steroids and their replacements, such as prohormones and SARMs. Most think that these drugs are only for men who aim to bulk up. But, there are a few SARMs which if taken under guidance can really help women.

Usually, women on SARMS look to gain benefits such as improved libido, stamina, bone preservation (to combat osteoporosis), balancing LDL and HDL rates compared to each other. At the same time, they seek to avoid harmful side effects such as damage to the liver or virilization effects that may carry undesirable characteristics such as facial hair or beard.

RAD140 does not taste and, like any other SARM, does not convert to DHT. This SARM is the go-to drug for improved workouts, with all the positive benefits that steroids provide and almost non-e of the negative ones. Higher levels of testosterone should allow more muscle strength to be applied and maintained during cutting. Since most of us are scheduling our workouts on bulking and cutting cycles, this article will provide a short tutorial for both of them to use RAD140.


Perhaps Testolone is the best and safest SARM on the market. Use Testolone, you can predict the same results as those you can get from a Dianabol cycle, without all the horrific side effects.