Linda Claire

Small Business Owner, Photographer, and Artist in USA

Visit my company website

Hello Everyone,

I am so happy to welcome you to our website.

My name is Linda Claire and I am the creator and owner of GrowherbsGarden where we speak, breath, eat and dream everything related to growing herbs. I particularly love microgreens and herbs and I even have my own herb garden.

I am primarily here to share my knowledge with you, then simply get your gloves and gumboots ready because soon you’ll be headed to the herb garden together.

I will constantly be updating my information here so that I can share my skills and experience in this field with you. In case you may need to communicate with me then my email is [email protected]. Let’s all have fun while tending to these precious plants.

Website :

Phone : 01702-268-2950

Address :7W43+X9 North Las Vegas, Nevada, USA