Lisa Cheng

Burnaby, British Columbia

Lisa is a person who comes from “Formosa Taiwan”. She moved to Canada when she was in grade 9. She studied at a high school in Nova Scotia names “King’s Edgehill School”. In high school life, Lisa was the basketball manager and the score keeper for a number of different sports. She was also high school prefect, the prompter for the school play. A prompter in the person who reads lines to an actor when they forgot their lines. She was also in cadets. After she graduated she came to Vancouver to study at Simon Fraser University in the communication department. Two years in she figured out that communications was not her passion. After some soul searching she discovered her passion is baking and horseback riding. After she found out what she liked, she decided to go to Vancouver community college to study baking, she started this program 5 months ago, and she is really enjoying it.
Lisa is an orderly person, efficient, a team player and hardworking; and her dream is become a good baker. Lisa can speak English, Chinese and Taiwanese, so she can help people to translate when people are having language issue. She lies to help people when they need help. Lisa has been a volunteer for the “Terry Fox run”. She was also a leader at a summer camp in a stable. She had one working experience, she worked in a store that sale the luggage and bags. Lisa didn’t work long, because she was still in school at the time.
Lisa lies to travel to different countries. She has been to Japan, Thailand, Austria, Czech Republics, France, Germany, Italy, Netherland, Sought Korea, Sweden, England, Spain, and New Zealand. She likes to travel around the world to learn about different cultures, meet different people and try different things.

  • Work
    • Kings Edgehill School
  • Education
    • 淡江中學
    • King's-Edgehill School
    • SFU
    • Vancouver Community College