Lisa Lightfoot

Artist, Writer, and Student in Dallas, Texas

Lisa Lightfoot

Artist, Writer, and Student in Dallas, Texas

View my portfolio

Lisa Lightfoot is a working artist in Mexico, Hawaii, or Texas. You may find her behind a disheveled desk rearranging broken bits or piles of paper. Likely obsessing over vintage jewelry finds, researching '40s hat styles, and squirreling away silk scarves.

Lightfoot does not only revel in the visual rewards of all that is vintage; she believes earth-friendly, sustainable clothing can be a fulfilling form of self-expression for anyone.

What I believe: I find the world at the edge of a great loss… an impending loss of the tactile... objects we have used to record our history & culture through art, music, clothing, and literature. So much is becoming intangible. I recycle or repurpose, not just to record, but to acknowledge what soon will all be 3Dprinted reproduced. Very soon, much of our practices will be equivalent to cave paintings.

What I create? As an Assemblage Artist, I have an obsessive ability to see past, what some refer to as junk. I have an intense need to keep it for the walls, to wear, just not going into the bin once an idea gets lodged.

Why I create?

I find that being an artist or poet is just some form of chronic depression that one must live in and through...I am acutely aware of the fleeting nature of life. Through my work, I can express my desire to leave behind some tangible record of that which I celebrate or mourn.

The Other Stuff

Born in Northern California, raised and home-schooled along with her three younger brothers in the dairy town of Petaluma, CA. Lightfoot found her outlet in a collection of vintage books and jewelry. She began as a child, and maintains, journals of her poetry, prose, sketches of everything, and collage.

Lightfoot owns multiple portfolios, ranging in medium and matter.

Etching, woodblock printing, collage

mixed media pieces

watercolor and oil paintings

Print modeling, vintage clothing, jewelry, kitsch & folk art.

Passionate about the written word, 20 years of practicing calligraphy. Draws Immense pleasure from "pop-up" or "time-based" installations.

  • Work
    • Vintage Sales & Repairs
  • Education
    • Art
    • Business Management
    • Dallas County Community,
    • Texas A&M