Lisette Lewis

Wilmore, KY

I grew up in a Christian home with parents who have both taught and modeled God’s love for me throughout my life. I do not remember a specific time or date that I made a decision for Christ—it was just something that was always there. As C.S. Lewis said, “I may not remember the day I was born, but I know I am alive.” I cannot name the day I took that first step, but I can certainly point to turning points along my faith walk.

During my time at Asbury University, He cultivated a love for missions and led to several short-term missions teams. Through those experiences, God opened my heart for foreign missions, even though I never imagined He would call me to full-time work overseas. However, during my first year of teaching in the U.S., God made it abundantly clear that, while I thought I was called to work in the American public school system, He had other plans. In September of 2006, I moved to Tenwek Hospital in Kenya and promptly fell in love with teaching MKs. After I had spent two years at the Tenwek MK School, God brought me back to the U.S. for a season, but Kenya was never far from my mind.

In 2013, God finally led me back to my little classroom on the Kenyan hillside. I thought it was the beginning of a long-term calling, but God apparently had other plans. Near the end of the school year, we learned that my work permit would not be granted and any long-term plans to stay in Kenya were not going to work.

To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. I came back to the U.S. wondering what God was doing, but He very quickly opened the door (and my heart) for Uganda and a variety of ministry opportunities there.

In the fallof 2015, I will be moving to Kampala, the capital city, to work with Community Health Empowerment, as well as provide educational support to homeschooling missionary families.

  • Work
    • World Gospel Mission
  • Education
    • Asbury College