Liz McNeil

San Diego, CA

Quickest ways to my heart. Jehovah. Music. Dance. Intelligent/Witty conversation.

I eat out by myself and bring a book. I people watch like it's my job. I drive just for driving's sake, sing shamelessly to the steering wheel and turn the bass up to feel the beat through my seat. I dance alone in my living room and get lost in my music.

I've had the privilege to get to know and become friends with Jehovah God and become one of his Witnesses. (Isa 43:10, James 4:8a)

The good news of the Bible and the presence of Jehovah's Kingdom are all that motivate me. (Matt 6:33)

I have the best life I could ever have hoped for. No worries. (1Pet 5:7)

I might be poor materially but I am rich spiritually. (Matt 6:19-22)

I have more love in my life than I ever dreamed was possible and with a worldwide family of almost 8 million, it's no wonder! (Mark 10:29,30)

This world is as unreal to me as the Matix became to Neo. I look forward to the real life Jehovah has promised. Since Jehovah never lies, I know with every fiber of my being that every one of his words will come true. (Titus 1:2, 2Pet 3:13, 1Tim 6:19)

"Not a promise failed out of all the good promises that Jehovah had made ...; all of them came true." - Joshua 21:45

My favorite promise: "Find your greatest joy in Jehovah, and he will grant you the desires of your heart" - Psalms 37:4

  • Work
    • I do it
  • Education
    • I've had some