Lisa L. DeSon

Los Angeles, California, United States

Life has a funny way of showing us where we need to be if we pay attention. When life kept showing me the traditional profession was not for me, an interesting thing happened. I learned about what my gifts and talents were and began living viably through them. As a life coach and business consultant, I work with creative entrepreneurs looking for solutions and new ways to uncover their blocks to success and fulfillment. These people are longing to bring heart-centered, purposeful movement to their professional lives. I am able to see the blocks keeping them from realizing their potential; show them their big picture highest good; and direct them toward their ultimate happiness. There is nothing more enjoyable than to see someone reach their potential in a way they never thought they could. I'm here to serve by uncovering those blocks, connecting clients to their truth, and guiding them to a purposeful, not some day.

  • Work
    • Soulution Evolution
  • Education
    • Bachelor of Science in Business, Emphasis in Marketing
    • University of Phoenix