lori carpenter

Environmental Scientist - Drone Pilot in Reno, Nevada

lori carpenter

Environmental Scientist - Drone Pilot in Reno, Nevada

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Hydrogeologist & Professional Wetland Scientist. I direct scientific programs with respect to hydrologic resources, environmental permitting, regulatory compliance, habitat restoration and risk determinations on projects in the western US, Mexico, Haiti, Vietnam, and India. I oversee all stages of a project from initial due-diligence, procuring necessary permits, plans for project development, field implementation, analytical and numerical models, GIS/remote sensing, project quality assurance and final monitoring and closure requirements with respect to local, state and federal requirements.

Current interests are related to utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles in the geo-sciences and incorporating large data sets for landscape level models related to T&E species listing(s) and the impacts to industry and the environment. Current research/methodology about the true cost of listing, or not, listing a species and habitat restoration is poorly understood given climate change uncertainties. Landscape level models coupled with new robotics technology could reduce uncertainty and achieve large scale cost effective ecosystem restoration.

I live in Reno, Nevada with a large family of seven children (both domestic and imported).

  • Work
    • geosUAS, Inc.
  • Education
    • MS in Hydrology & Hydrogeology UNR