Lori Baird

Mother, Home cook, and Small Business Owner in Colorado

Read my blog

Hi All,

I’m a suburban, stay at home, older Mom that “helps” the hubby with his business. I like to decorate, organize, cook, and investigate what is being done to our food supply.

I’m going in head first here… I've been literally a red-headed step child 6 times! Although now that I'm turning gray, I guess that means I'll be demoted to just a step-child. I'm creating Gluten Free Ginger to tell my story from my point of view. It's also a play on words with regards to my hair color and the tasty spice! I find my zin creating in the kitchen!

I am a capricorn who has experienced depression, anxiety, postpartum, and I believe that I may be an empath. I was diagnosed with hypothyroid when I was pregnant in 2009. I enjoy investigating and reading about all sorts of things! My latest has been reading up on mental health.

As to not bore you with details of what types of food I prefer to eat or not eat, I'll just say I'm Gluten Free & mostly Paleo.

This does not make me a health nut!!!!! I know the nutritional foods that I should eat, but sometimes I'm just not in the mood.

I love pasta, pizza, potato chips, and most comfort foods. I just eat them in a different way, made with different ingredients.

As far as working out goes I like to walk and do yoga when I don’t feel like a bloated beast! I’m not motivated enough to do yoga in my home, but dislike doing it in front of people!

My intentions are to let it all out here! I hope you can relate to some of the wackiness and maybe even learn and contribute to this outlet! It’s just my story from my point of view with some of my Gluten Free food creations.

Have mercy on me please!