Louis Rossi

New Jersey

Louis Rossi has extensive experience in the fields of Special Education, Mathematics and Integrative STEM Education. In his current role as a District ThinkSTEM Coach, he trains teachers and facilitates the integration of meta-cognition (DSRP) and STEM Education into all grade levels for all subject areas. He is currently and has been an iSTEM consultant for global companies, private investors, hospitals and schools. His main focus is on Augemented Reality and Virtual Reality based learning. He is the creator and director of his districts Innovation Lab. This Lab allows students to explore their interests and passions through 3D printing, Media technologies, engineering, communication and various other workspaces. This year students will be making Algae Bio-fuel, designing 3D printed clips for Malaria nets, underwater robotics, and rocketry. Louis received his Bachelor’s Degree from Rutgers University, a Master’s Degree from Seton Hall University and is currently pursuing a PhD. in Integrative STEM Education at Virginia Tech.

  • Work
    • ThinkSTEM Coach
  • Education
    • Virginia Tech
    • Phd Candidate