Captain Luca Manzi

Marine Engineer in Petaluma, California

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I'm Captain Luca Manzi by name and i am from California US.I'm the only surviving son of my family and I'm from a military family in California. i lost both of my parents in a car accident in September 16, 2002. and i had divorced eight years ago but live with my only son Alex.I was born on 27th Jan, 1963 in California.I graduated from the US Military Academy with a Bachelor of science degree in June 1984.I also earned a masters Degree in Education from Oxford university.I am a graduate of the infantry officer Basic and Advanced courses,the US Army command and General staff collage, and the US war 1982, I was assigned to indianapolis, Indiana where i served as the operations officer for the US Army Indianapolis recruiting command and later commanded a company in the US Army Recruiting Battalion.upon completing my assignment. on July 1, 2008 I was promoted to Commanding General of US forces Iraq. At a ceremony at the al-Faw palace in Bagdad, Iraq. General Ray Odierno. Vice President Joe Biden, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, and Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen presided over the ceremony.Presently,I am military Sailor and i am on the sea now heading to Norway.