Lucia Blasco

Multimedia journlalist in London / Madrid

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Multimedia and broadcast journalist: BBC World Service, Euronews TV. Independent writer and visual storyteller. Media consultant for the World Bank. Expert in digital narratives and creative storytelling.

Experienced multi-platform storyteller: TV/radio producer and presenter; writer, editor and photographer. Fully bilingual reporter (ENG/SPA). Former BBC News Mundo staff reporter (BBC's Spanish Americas service). Documentary writer and producer. Global and regional audiences, with a focus on Latin America, environment, culture and education.

Special coverages: Goldman Environmental Prize, Hay Festival, BBC 100 Women.

Some of my work:

TV DOCUMENTARIES: ‘Burn It Or Bury It? What To Do With Our Waste'. BBC World News TV + English and Spanish BBC's YouTube channels.

TV BROADCASTS: Euronews - Spanish TV channel video reports (since July 2023).

RADIO PROGRAMMES: BBC World Service, 'Resolves: Life after Covid-19' (x8 episodes). The Documentary Podcast: Life Changes, 'What We Can Do With Our Waste' (BBC World Service radio, BBC Sounds, Spotify).

VIDEO EXPLAINERS: BBC News Mundo YouTube series '¿Hablas español?' + BBC News Mundo factual /history /culture video explainers.

INTERACTIVE STORIES: for BBC News Mundo - ‘The first humans in America’. (SPA/PT versions).

ARTICLES AND ANALYSIS: long-form features and news pieces for BBC News Mundo and BBC World Service. Some interviewes include Nobel Laureates Muhammad Yunus and Shirin Ebadi, writers Michael Pollan and Shoshana Zuboff, or indigenous activist Nemonte Nemquino and Liz Chicaje.

PHOTOJOURNALISM: documentary photography and visual storytelling. ‘Maramures’ project (rural Romania). Published by in El País in 2023.

MEDIA EVENTS (with BBC Mundo): Hay Festival Querétaro, Mexico, 2019 (guest/lecturer). Hay Festival Colombia Digital 2021 (moderator/interviewer).

Fluent in English, Spanish and French.

📬 [email protected]

  • Work
    • BBC / Euronews / World Bank
  • Education
    • University College London
    • University of Tasmania
    • Université Libre de Bruxelles
    • Universidad Complutense