Luisa Bracamonte

Tampa, FL

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” ~ Charles Darwin.

C Luisa Bracamonte pursues opportunities in coaching for college students, graduates and alumni. She enjoys being an active part of student’s career experience, and feels more successful when she is able to identify obstacles and come up with plans of action, filled with “right-on-time” insights to unlock business opportunities. She holds a Masters of Business Administration and is degreed in Management. From the boardrooms to the back offices, she works with global companies to deliver business controls and analysis that help them protect and strengthen every aspect of their business from people to performance, technology systems to strategy, and business plans to business resilience.

Areas of Concentration

Catalytic Leadership – Today’s leaders need to be capable of engaging people in collaborative learning and work; work that
brings people together for a purpose. Working with and through people requires a high level of emotional, social, generational and cultural competency, and the ability to adapt to every changing needs. I prepare “catalytic” leaders who can work creatively in a world that is complex, ambiguous, and changing rapidly.

Applications: Navigating through Conflict, Managing Ambiguity, Adaptability Path.

Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Transformation – Much of the change needed today is transformative change, change
that requires us to challenge deep-seated beliefs and assumptions about what works and what doesn’t. Transformative work requires leaders to hold multiple perspectives, to engage with others in dialogue, and to create the conditions that support shifting our ways of being, working, and leading.

Applications: Business Canvas Model, Information Mapping, Creativity, Innovation, Mindfulness, Awareness.

Type of Sessions Available
One-on-One | Group | Skype

  • Work
    • Consutlng Management
  • Education
    • MBA. Degreed in Management, Minor in Marketing, FMU, Tampa, FL