Luis Fernandez

Ranked in the Top 1% of Westchester Brokers! Over 100 Million in sales. Over 150 Homes sold that other brokers were unable to. In 2011 over 100 homeowners trusted us to sell their house. Over 80 closed short sales! We sell more houses in a month than your average broker does in a Year.

I run one of the biggest real estate sales team in Westchester County and the Bronx. We specialize in helping people sell property or find them the home of their dreams. I am confident my expertise, marketing and negotiating skills will get you the highest possible price if you are selling and the lowest possible price if you are buying.

If You Are Selling . . .
We have successfully sold more than 150 properties in the shortest amount of time that other brokers were not able to sell. We sell our own listing 83% of the time. When compared to other realtors in Westchester, my record speaks for itself. Most agents rely on other agents to get properties sold. That's not the way we work. We have a team of 4 people selling your property. That's why we keep active and work with both Buyers and Sellers!!!

If You Are Buying . . .
Since we do more business than most agents (more than 99% of them) in the County, we will be able to negotiate the lowest possible price for your purchase. We utilize special techniques in order to get the best possible price. The key in getting a good deal is dealing with an agent that is a strong negotiator.

This is the fastest-growing foreclosure alternative. Banks will rather sell a property short before foreclosing on a property. In a short sale the home sells for less than the amount of the loan.

Homeowners are relieved as the impact on their credit is far less than in a foreclosure, two years, as opposed to seven years for a foreclosure, and often isn't a barrier to purchasing another home. Also unlike a foreclosure there is no deficiency judgment