Luke Mason

My Photography

Since I first picked up a camera in middle school, I've been in love with photography. It is a way to extend my visions and share them with the world. As I have progressed through my photography career, I have done a variety of work, ranging from marketing to yearbook photography and news work. During my time at the Collegiate Times I was honored with several Virginia Press Association awards including best photo story or essay, and best feature photo. I currently serve as the Photo Editor for The Bugle, the yearbook at Virginia Tech.

My Philosophy

My philosophy is a simple one, I like to keep my things as real as possible. My style of photography is natural and expressive, I want my photographs to convey a sense of life and reality. It's about capturing the mood, expression and emotion of the moment through the lens. I don't over-process my images, in my opinion a great image is great not because of what's done to it afterwards, but because of the moment it captures and the skills needed to capture it. Simply put, it is about telling a story through beautiful photographs.

A Little About Me

I love the outdoors. I enjoy kayaking, hiking, camping, and anything else that brings me close to nature. In addition to photography I am pursuing a Computer Science degree at Virginia Tech, and expect to graduate in 2012.