Lylanne Musselman

Toledo, OH

Lylanne Musselman

Toledo, OH

Lylanne Musselman is a native Hoosier, who now lives in Toledo, Ohio. She is an award winning poet and artist, and produced playwright. Her poems have appeared in many print and online literary magazines including Pank, Tipton Poetry Journal, New Verse News, Literary Brushstrokes, Rusty Nail, among others. and many literary anthologies.

She has authored three chapbooks: Prickly Beer & Purple Panties (Bacon Tree Press, 2007), A Charm Bracelet For Cruising (Winged City Press, 2009), and Winged Graffiti (Finishing Line Press, 2011).

She co-authored the book, Company of Women: New and Selected Poems (Chatter House Press, 2013), along with fellow poets Jayne Marek and Mary Sexson.

She currently writes a blog titled "Writing Prompt Pit Stop" every Wednesday.

  • Work
    • Terra State Community College
  • Education
    • B.S. Ball State University
    • M.A. University of Indianapolis