Lynda J Leonard
Artist, Retail Merchandiser in Roeland Park, Kansas
Is it Kind? Is it True? Is it Necessary? Will it Matter When I Am 85?!? A filter I use to guide me in making life choices. "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind." by Dr. Suess is a favorite quote that I try to live by.
Lylabird / ~ljl~ is my playful, secret, alter ego from a nickname acquired in my Santa Fe, NM days. The symbol ~ljl~, using my initials, represents 'Lylabird', a fearless 6' dragonfly in disguise. I once read that such creatures actually existed during the time of the dinosaurs. What a magnificent site they must have been.
Always curious and exploring new insights, people, places and experiences that life brings or I discover. Began studying, exploring sacred geometry in the 70's, did my masters thesis in ceramics on pyramids and have been hooked ever since. Did Drunvalo Melchizedek's Flower of Life workshop in Taos, NM with Gregg Braden before he was famous. Did several workshops and firewalks with Peggy Dylan while in New Mexico.
The phrase 'everything is energy' has always intrigued me and now I seek to give a visual context to how energy can be transformed from one form to another by 'manipulating matter'. I am a 'Matter Manipulator' aka Artist, exploring 'papercrete', mixed media, and found objects. Reuse, recycle, repurpose, reclaim, re-invent is my modus operandi.
Always a perpetual student of life striving to be my best self. Love exploring, learning, connecting via the internet, Twitter, Facebook, etc. ~ljl~