Lynden Kidd

Consultant, Small Business Owner, and Public Speaker in Tucson, Arizona

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As a career strategist, I work with people who are pulling their hair out, trapped in jobs they hate; knowing their feelings about work are toxic and spill over into other areas of their lives.
In my business, I guide frustrated and unhappy people back from the brink of frustration and despair, to boldly re-consider their work and career and learn how to take back that feeling of being inspired by the work that they do; knowing they make a difference and are well paid for the work they do.
Our coaching process starts with having you take an online Personal Clarity Assessment (which is free). Then we set up a 20-minute phone conversation where we get to know each other, discuss your intentions in collaborating with a coach, and I explain our program and how our time-tested process works to make your work-life better.
Clients say our effort together gives them:
--Clarity - the ability to see themselves, their work, other people and situations accurately and to think more clearly under pressure
--Support – in making tough decisions, facing habits that get in the way of success and developing strategies to shift patterns to produce better outcomes
--Confidence - knowing their work is respected, appreciated and that good comes out of learning from mistakes
--Vision - going into something better; confidence about the road ahead and focused again on a bright future
--Communication skills - a healthy perspective about teamwork, connecting and collaborating with co-workers
--Grit - ability to turn around limitations with self-confidence, strength, fearlessness and a clear picture of who they are
--Leadership - a new understanding of colleagues, clients and the boss and why people do what they do
--Appreciation - a fresh outlook on work, life and a renewed respect for their talents.
I’m committed to helping my clients drop the drama and create career win-wins, with a definite direction to head; a career development plan to build upon and lifelong tools which keep YOU on course.