madhavi sood

Teacher, Writer, and Recruiter in Pune, India

Read my book

I am a down to earth person and love Nature and kids. A poet and writer at heart, trying to my little bit to Change the world and make it happen through my words and deeds. A Consultant, a Corporte Trainer and an entrepreneur by profession. Wish to travel, sit quietly watching the bubbly brooks and the Himalayas and write and see beyond boundaries of space and time... Love to read, listen to music and play with kids and a drama enthusiast. I have penned many a poem and put forth the courage to get them published as 'From the Silence Within'- I wrote these poems when I was fighting for my life faced with a NDE (near-death experience) in my prime. Many a poem, a story I have yet to tell, many miles I have yet to go; yet I'm grateful I have been given a second chance. Indeed Life is wonderful, even if a roller-coaster ride at times !!