Maggie Gremminger

Shawnee, Kansas

I do not just try to say 'live today like it's your last'... I try to live today like it is my last. I believe that we can choose what kind of attitude we want to carry about everything: I choose to be happy, a lot. I try to find something in every single person I encounter that I can love.

I want to fall in love every day with new people, places, and experiences. My life would be empty without art. I love music in all genres. Every song is a new story, and I love hearing different stories with different sounds.

I will tell you anything about me. I have no fear of judgement or need for privacy about my life. I am an open book. I sing. I write music. I act. I write poetry. I need these outlets to feel at ease with who I am, and who I hope to become.

Some people are afraid of death, or being alone... my greatest fear is losing the little sparks of childhood that remain deep down. The kind of sparks that jump out from inside of you when you feel the grass against your bare feet, have an urge to build a fort out of blankets and furniture, and find yourself wondering what everything means. The beauty of being so young means that you do not fully see how overwhelming hate can be. I want to remain innocent, hopeful, optimistic, and alive because I will remain young.

I like to dissect who I am in this "About Me" box. ... Probably because I love who I am, I love the people in my life, and I love knowing that love will never be limited. Love out loud.

  • Work
    • Hilary's Eat Well
  • Education
    • Mill Valley High School
    • The University of Kansas