magikdo system
GMSCOUT BASKETBALL, Web Developer, and Project Manager in Greece
magikdo system
GMSCOUT BASKETBALL, Web Developer, and Project Manager in Greece
magikdo system- a work of life / research/study by GM/scout basket - HOW we can change our destiny finding the..creation through basketball and the..magi[k] shadow. [magikdo] -the alter ego- character = [based on Zenon Citium and.. carl jung theory about our shadow but in..reverse..] .-====== Pioneer projects ON Tourism/art/edu/ sports/business/- like , the .. think sport court/park, the solution on Bullying and many others . - = Wanted support/ partners to create the..TEAM to ..create/organize/find investors act = 1st SUBSCRIBE to the forum ,like share the social and make your own ABOUT me. =