Maida Law Firm

Lawyer in Houston, Texas

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Houston Texas is one of the largest cities in the United States.

Houston's many residents suffer injuries everyday. These accidents range from those that happen at work or on the highways to those that occur when a Houston resident seeks medical treatment.

At Maida Law Firm, we know how frustrating an injury can be! Especially since severe injuries are often accompanied by costly medical bills and lost income. Houston's personal injury law team at Maida Law Firm is on your side. When we think about personal injury law, many different kinds of accidents come to mind. Houston residents can suffer injuries nearly anywhere.

Depending on the type of injury, there are specific Texas laws that will govern that personal injury claim. Maida Law Firm has decades of experience when it comes to personal injury lawsuits.

Everyday, we deal with a wide variety of claims, including: Automobile Accidents, 18 Wheeler Truck Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents.