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700 Is regarded as a magic amount by most trying the test. But let us examine if 700 is actually vital to obtain entrance to a top-20 company school.


Most business schools are still reporting this The average GMAT score for entry is significantly less than 700 but lately it has become more and more common to find a number of the very top schools to become reporting scores at or marginally greater. However, these reports could be slightly misleading because a few really low or high scores may skew the average score. By comparison, median scores offer you a clearer image of your odds (but in most instances the median and average are rather close).

You need to get the highest score you can but recall The GMAT score is but 1 part of your entrance. Admissions committees will have a look at your experience, GPA, recommendations, entrance essay, and even more when making their choice.

A rating of 700 Means you want to score greater than near 92 percent of the others taking the exam so that this is an ambitious aim. Hard work and a fantastic score on the quantitative and verbal sections will be critical.