Marcel Binder
Recruiter, Consultant, and Project Manager in Innsbruck, Österreich
Marcel Binder
Recruiter, Consultant, and Project Manager in Innsbruck, Österreich
As a child, I lived in several different cities and countries and was exposed to different kinds of people and cultures. This experience was the beginning of a lifelong fascination with different ways of living and eventually had a profound effect on my career decisions. After my graduation (Matura), I studied Business Administration and went on to specialize in HR at the University of Applied Sciences in Vienna (Fachhochschule Wien). Taylor famously valued having “the right person in the right place.” Now that I’ve gained some experience in the professional world, I’ve come to think of the “right person” as much more than just an employee with the appropriate qualifications. Much more important is that his/her personality fits in with the team and its work. I’ve learned to pay attention to how the entire person relates to his/her role in the workplace.