Marcela Alves

Computer Scientist and Software Engineer in Oxford, UK

Marcela Alves

Computer Scientist and Software Engineer in Oxford, UK

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I work as a Research Software Engineer at the University of Oxford. I moved to the UK after 3 years of working as a Software Engineer in Belgium.

I have a master's degree from the University of São Paulo (USP). At the Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Computing (ICMC) of USP, I started my research in complex systems.

In 2019, I attended the 69th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting where I could present my research findings to researchers in the area of Chemistry and Physics.

I was a FamelLab 2018 (science communication competition) Brazil semi-finalist. I work with empowering women in technology, which has led to being selected to attend the 2018 and 2019 Google International Women's Day Summit.

I graduated with academic merit in Computer Science at Faculdade Farias Brito, in Fortaleza, Ceará, where I was a scholar of ProUni (Ministry of Education). During college, I participated in the Computer Graphics and Operational Research group.

I work in software development since 2010. I was a volunteer intern at the Microsoft Innovation Center - Fortaleza, where, along with a team, I specialized in Microsoft technologies. I was a trainee for 2 years at Instituto Atlântico, an R&D company. I was part of a development project for Sony smartphones and tablets.

In 2013, I went to study in the United States for the Science without Borders program. I studied at Arizona State University (ASU). I studied English at the American English and Culture Program. Over the Summer, I participated in the 2014 Wolfram Science Summer School, a school-sponsored by Dr Stephen Wolfram in Massachusetts.

Back in Brazil in 2015, I worked as a system analyst on a project from Dell Brazil and the Ceará State University for the development of applications for e-learning for people with disabilities. In the same year, I was one of the 10 women selected by the BrazilJS - Incentive for Women's Participation, a community initiative by JavaScript in Brazil to encourage women's participation in the JavaScript community and participation in the largest JavaScript event in the World. As Google and CI&T (UN) Women Tech Challenge Honor Mentioned (2015), I attended the International Forum on Women in Business in Nairobi, Kenya.

In my teenage years, I was a medallist in scientific Olympiads which led me to take a summer course in the postgraduate mathematics department of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) when I was 14 years old. This opportunity was what inspired me to become a scientist.

  • Work
    • University of Oxford
  • Education
    • University of São Paulo (USP) - ICMC
    • Arizona State University
    • Farias Brito University Center (FFB)