Marcell Urbina

Web Developer and Realtor in San Francisco, California

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I am an aspiring full-stack developer born and raised in San Francisco, California. I am recent graduate of <dev/Mission> in the Mission District where I delved into Front End Web Design and IT Support. When I am not programming or reading code, I am an avid gamer, movie watcher, and I like to create things with my hands (and sometimes destroy; remember through destruction comes creation). When I'm not in front of a computer or TV screen I like to spend time with my hairy four legged son Sammy (aka Sammy the dog).

You can click the button above to visit my website and get to know me more. If you’d like to get in touch, feel free to say hello through any of the social links below or the contact page on my website.

  • Education
    • San Francisco State University