marc hennessy

Sheffield England UK

I have been working within creative environments my whole life, thriving off of new ideas and creating exhilarating things to feed the senses.

After graduating from Sheffield Hallam University, England, I decided that Product Design is what fuels my soul.

Understanding the needs and desires of others and trying to create designs and concepts that confuse and arouse the brain is what makes me tick.

Grabbing the conventions of life and leading them into unexplored water. Exposing the unknown and educating the people who are not willing to be educated.

Being surprised and impressed never gets old and I believe that is what will push design forward; we need to break boundaries and defy conventions if we are to progress in this already developed world.

Everything is designed, therefore design is everything....

  • Work
    • Business Development Executive - ControlPoint LLP
  • Education
    • Sheffield Hallam University, England. BA (Hons) Product Design 2:1