Marco Barbon

Choir conductor and Music teacher in Treviso, Italia

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Marco Barbon is an Italian conductor and music teacher.

In 2019 he won the 2nd Prize at the Romano Gandolfi International Competition for Choral Conductors (Parma, Italy) and the 2nd Prize at the 4th National Choral Conducting Competition “Le Mani in Suono” (Arezzo, Italy). He was selected to participate at Jāzeps Vītols 6th International Choral Conductors Competition (Riga, Latvia). In 2017 and 2021 he participated to the European Academy for Choir Conductors, a professional masterclass held by Ragnar Rasmussen and Frieder Bernius in Fano (Italy).

In 2016 he was appointed conductor of the Youth Choir of Veneto Region (Italy) within the project “Officina Corale del Futuro” designed by the Italian National Federation of the Regional Choir Associations (FeNIARCo): he performed concerts in prestigious locations, such as the S. Maria Novella cathedral in Florence in a world premiere performance. In 2021 he is part of the artistic management of ASAC Veneto.

He was conductor and artistic director of several children, youth, and adult choirs in Italy. He is frequently invited as guest conductor to hold masterclasses in some Italian choral associations. In 2019 he founded the professional vocal and instrumental ensemble “La Morsure”, with which he performs mostly baroque and contemporary music. In 2020 he taught in some choir masterclasses and was jury member during the Regional Choir Festival by appointment to the Italian Association for the Development of Choral Activities in Veneto Region (ASAC Veneto).

In 2011 he obtained a Master of Art degree (MA) in Piano Performance at the Music Conservatory “A. Steffani” of Castelfranco Veneto (Italy). In 2017 he concluded - first of his class by grade - a three year training in Choral Conducting at “Piergiorgio Righele” Choral Conducting Academy organized by ASAC Veneto. In 2019 he obtained a MA in Renaissance and Baroque Singing with the highest grade at the Music Conservatory “B. Marcello” of Venice. He is currently working towards a MA in Choral Conducting and Choral Music Composition (supervisor: Prof. Marco Berrini) at the Music Conservatory “A. Steffani” of Castelfranco Veneto.

In 2012 he was selected by audition as a chorister of the Italian Youth Choir with which he participated in numerous national and international choral festivals, and with which he won in 2014 the international choral competition “Florilege Vocal” of Tours (France).

  • Education
    • Università di Padova
    • Conservatorio Steffani di Castelfranco
    • Conservatorio di Musica Benedetto Marcello di Venezia