Marco A. Breddin
Writer, Editor, and Designer in Hannover, Deutschland
Marco A. Breddin
Writer, Editor, and Designer in Hannover, Deutschland
Ich beschäftige mich mit der Bedeutung von Kunst und Technik.
I deal with the means of audiovisual arts since I started painting with the computer mouse as a kid. I make no secret of my passion for limited 80s home computers. It forced creativity. As with the microstructure of digital pictures – build upon sequences of pixels – every film, every story and even descriptive text has it’s elementary brick. Like notes for music.
Kann man etwas besprechen, dass man nicht selbst erlebt hat? Ja. Aber es bleibt theoretisch und nicht vertrauenswürdig.
Let’s get serious: you cannot write about something you never touched by yourself. So I played electric bass for a few years – at least to become better with the rhythm. With rhythms I worked in my study of visual arts to create documentaries and short movies.
Worin liegt die Essenz einer Kunst bzw. eines Produktes?
As journalist I’m eager to work out the essence of people’s arts. It’s not only the classification or criticism, but particularly the identification and mediation.
Die Bedeutung von Technologie vermittle ich gewinnbringend an den Leser. Ganz Ohr bin ich bei Kopfhörern, Musik, neuen und alten Digital-Themen sowie raffinierter Mac/PC-Software.