Margaret Chapman-Clarke
I love inspiring and enabling people to maximise their potential; to learn and use psychological ideas that make a difference to our way of doing and being ...
Multi-Passionate I am curious about ideas, words, learning and connecting up research with practice
Researcher in coaching, emotional intelligence and mindfulness; current doctoral work exploring coaches' experience of mindfulness training using autoethnography and poetic inquiry
Consultant in implementing and evaluating coaching, mindfulness and emotional intelligence
Coach employing gestalt, CBT, existential and NLP enabling you to find your mojo, that is your path with a heart
Facilitator workshops and masterclasses in emotional intelligence, mindfulness, positive psychology, resilience & personal development
Teacher Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR, Bangor) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT, Oxford & Oxleas)
Writer on mindfulness at work, emotionally intelligent, mindful leaders, coaching/mentoring and military veterans' mental health
Author:The Emotional Intelligence Pocketbook & TheMindfulness at Work Pocketbook; in 2016, Mindfulness in the Workplace (Kogan Page)
Speaker 'thought leadership' pieces for leaders, coaches and peer practitioners, NHS, Higher Education and Professional Bodies (Association for Coaching, International Coach Federation (ICF), BPS and CIPD)
Academic teaching, examining and programme development in leadership, coaching/mentoring, counselling, psychotherapy, mental health and advanced qualitative research methods
Boards former Trustee of Oxford Mindfulness Centre ( and serve on three editorial boards for Coaching at Work (; Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice (www.tandfonline/coaching) and the International Journal of Evidence-Based Coaching and Mentoring (