Maria Cucinotta

Sydney, Australia

Maria Cucinotta is a businesswoman, an International Personal Branding Advisor and Executive Communication Coach specialising in Leadership and Connection.

With a background as a Holistic Counsellor, Transpersonal Life Coach and having trained in NLP -Presentation Skills, Image, Business Etiquette and Body Language and Philosophy. Maria is an International Speaker, presenter and trainer, and she is penning her first book.
"I believe that life is for living, success can only be defined by the person pursuing it, or more importantly allowing it to manifest in their life."
Tell me what you yearn for, listening to the soft inner voice that when you give it the opportunity to speak, you will have me captivated and inspired.
Maria loves to support ideas that bring real improvement to people's lives. Respecting and enjoying people that speak their truth and even if I disagree - I respect them for the unique person that they are.

  • Work
    • Femme International
  • Education
    • University of Sydney
    • University of Technology, Sydney