Mariana Barros

Mariana Barros

Mariana Barros is a journalist passionate about cities, urban innovation and quality information. She started to observe and learn about how much cities can impact our daily lives in 2002, while working on São Paulo City Plan at São Paulo City Council. In the following years she started to work at some of the Brazilians most prestigious newsrooms, including Veja magazine, Veja São Paulo (Vejinha) and Folha de S. Paulo newspaper. At Folha, she won the 2008 Grand Prize and published the book "DNA Paulistano" (Publifolha, 2009). Mariana has independent projects such as HabiteSP blog, Esquina debates series at Livraria Cultura and as keynote speaker. She lives in São Paulo, Brazil.

Main projetcs:

Cidades sem Fronteiras blog:

Esquina debates: