Marilyn Pojunos

Residential Real Estate, USAA Preferred Realtor, and Relocation Specialist in Kansas

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I come from a family dedicated to serving our country. My father served in WWII. My son is a Navy veteran. My grandson now serves in the Army. I proudly serve our country by WORKING WITH VETERANS LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL HOMES

Having lived in Kansas City for 47 years, this New Jersey native loves introducing the secrets of our city to people relocating to Kansas and Missouri. A SPECIALIST IN MIAMI COUNTY, I know the hidden treasures of KC. It’s a great family town.

In addition to working with BUYERS and SELLERS, I support my Good Life Real Estate family. When other agents have emergencies, I’m their back-up. At a moment’s notice, I can jump in to any real estate transaction and provide clients a 5 STAR CUSTOMER EXPEREINCE.


It’s in my DNA. When I start something, I follow it to the end. As your agent,

► I go beyond first glance when pulling up listing sheets for buyers. I scrutinize the disclosures. When listings are incomplete, I call the agent to get additional information.

► I believe in looking behind closed doors during the research phase of my work.

► I update clients daily with automated communication from our industry Multiple Listing Service (MLS)


I know clients aren’t always available during business hours. Before we begin our work, I learn how my clients like to communicate and when it’s best to contact them. If they prefer lunch tme, I set aside that time. If they prefer evenings and weekends, I work around their schedule. As a full-time GOOD LIFE REAL ESTATE AGENT, I coordinate around client schedules.

When we work together, I’ll share my love of antique furniture, homefront collectibles and Ransburg canisters. You can share your hobbies with me. I want to get to know you and serve you.

Want a team player? Interested in working with an experienced agent who finds the mutual “like” and universal good in every person? Then let’s connect. Email me at [email protected].