Mario Amelotti

SEO, Digital Marketing, and Consultant in Barcelona

Mario Amelotti

SEO, Digital Marketing, and Consultant in Barcelona

Hire me

I am a specialist in generating high quality traffic. I have over 15 years of experience in the field of Digital Marketing, specializing in SEO, SEM, content strategy generation, and online reputation management.

Throughout my professional career, I have helped numerous companies increase their online visibility and establish a strong digital presence. My focus lies in implementing effective SEO strategies to improve brand rankings on search engines and drive organic traffic. I have also managed successful search engine advertising campaigns (SEM), achieving tangible results and greater online brand exposure.

A crucial aspect of my work has been generating content strategies that captivate the audience and drive engagement. I ensure the creation of relevant, compelling content tailored to user needs, with the goal of generating higher engagement and meaningful conversions.

Furthermore, I have experience in managing companies' online reputation. I work on monitoring and analyzing online presence, as well as implementing strategies to enhance brand image and reputation on digital platforms.

I closely follow the latest trends and best practices in Digital Marketing, and I stay updated on the most innovative tools and techniques. My passion for this industry drives me to continue learning and applying my knowledge to help companies achieve their goals in the digital landscape.

If you are seeking an expert in traffic generation, digital marketing strategies, and online reputation management, I would be delighted to collaborate with you and leverage my experience to drive the success of your company.

  • Work
    • SEO and Digital Marketing
  • Education
    • La Salle
    • UPC
    • UB