Mario Hirotoshi

many attempts at everything and most of them film photography-related in Manaus, Brasil

Mario Hirotoshi

many attempts at everything and most of them film photography-related in Manaus, Brasil

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Mario Hirotoshi, a guy-who-tries-to-wear-many-hats, based in Manaus, Brazil.

In 2019, I've worked as director of photography in the musical video of "La Cancionera", a song made by the multi instrumentalist artist Olivia de Amores. You can check it out with a click in the button above.

My main expression method is through film photography, you can see some memories here.

I used to be in a band called "Our Sub" from 2013-2017. We released a single called "Paris" in 2016.

There is also the will to release some games in the future. A long-term dream, at the moment it is kind of frozen.

And you can check my letterboxd profile here. I wouldn't recommend.