Mark Donnelly

CEO of Brite Advisors in Perth, Australia

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Originally from the UK, Mark Donnelly is an entrepreneur, investor and speaker with over 20 years of experience in the field. He is the CEO of Brite Advisors, an all-in-one pension service for UK ex-pats abroad, offering specialised investment advice, pension transfers, administration and asset management so ex-pats can protect and grow their wealth. His day-to-day role at Brite Advisors includes overseeing and managing the company’s operations and running a team of investment advisors in Australia, Europe, Hong Kong, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates. You can read more about Brite Advisors and their services on their dedicated website:

Before he was appointed as CEO of Brite Advisors, Mark worked as a non-executive director at Mana Fast Slow food in Hong Kong, helping to attract investors to the city’s leading vegetarian food outlet. He is also actively involved in the football business and through 'Back Street Football Group', he is working on a multi-city professional football network of clubs dedicated to youth excellence. Mark’s entrepreneurial journey in the UK started at Metro Sports, which he built into the biggest player name and number system on the planet for leading football clubs. The business was sold to ITW in 2003.

  • Work
    • Brite Advisors