Mark Bennington

Mark Bennington

When I was 10 months old, I used to sit on the kitchen floor with a loaf of sliced bread... take out a slice, tiny teeth bitting down- chomp and then throw it in the air, like graduation day... until I was covered in a happy blanket of once-bitten bread.

Today, I'm a freelance photographer based in Los Angeles and currently living in India, working on a documentary photography book about the Acting community in Mumbai titled, Living the Dream: The Life of the 'Bollywood' Actor.

In another life, I trained and worked as an Actor on the boards of New York and sets of LA, doing everything from Experimental theater to Shakespeare, Ibsen & Coward and then Guest-starring on a bunch of TV shows to make extra cash.

In 2003, luck by chance I stumbled onto photography during a timely early-mid-life melt-down and almost overnight became a very busy portrait photographer. A few years later I met mentors and National Geographic veterans: David Alan Harvey, Alex Webb & Eugene Richards, who furthered my study of photographing people.

I also played drums for 5 years (and 3 albums) with the roots/rock band "Patrolled By Radar" (Knitting Factory Records), have written hundreds of un-published poems and still like to eat on the floor.

photo by Shanoo Sharma in Mumbai, India.