Mark Litwin

Seasoned Leader in Toronto, Canada

Mark Litwin is a seasoned leader and the President of Marrisa Holdings Inc., a private equity firm based in Toronto, Canada, with a focus on real estate investment. With over 35 years of experience in the financial sector, Mark has built a reputation for driving growth and innovation in real estate markets across Canada. Under his leadership, Marrisa Holdings has become well-known for strategic investment, delivering substantial returns and sustainable growth.

Mark Litwin attributes his success to a willingness to dig deep into the industries in which he invests, adopting the perspective of an entrepreneur to glean the true potential value of his potential partners. He offers expertise in strategic planning and financing, specializing in the healthcare, real estate and financial industries.

Mark’s approach is centered on forming honest, trusting partnerships with entrepreneurs, prioritizing the creation of innovative, forward-thinking business strategies. Prior to leading Marrisa, Mark Litwin served as a Senior Vice President and President of Forum Financial Corporation, a private equity firm begun by Fred A. Litwin in the 1980s. Forum Financial Corporation evolved from a private merchant bank to a family office private equity fund with partnerships in healthcare, real estate and banking. Mark applies this family office ethic to creating the culture at Marrisa, forming true partnerships that carry businesses through cycles of tremendous growth.

Mark Litwin leads the family’s charitable efforts through the Fred A. Litwin Foundation, supporting cancer treatments and rehabilitation care through Canada’s premiere hospital networks. Through the Toronto Rehab University Health Network, the Foundation established the Fred A. Litwin Outpatient Clinic. Other initiatives include the Samuel Lunenfeld Cancer Genetic Research Centre and the Fred A. Litwin Family Centre of Genetic Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital. Mark Litwin served as a Board Member at Mount Sinai for fifteen years, and for seven years, he was a board member of the Toronto Rehab Foundation.