Mark Richards

Scarborough, UK

I used to be a dull person. I had a business in financial services, a mortgage, a wife, three children, some suits – and 14 stripy ties.

I also had a small voice inside me. “Let me out,” it cried. “I’m a writer.”

Eventually, in the Spring of 2010, I did let the small voice out. I sold the business, sent the stripy ties to the charity shop and started writing. I now write my award-winning Best Dad I Can Be blog, ghost-write blogs for clients and everything else you’d expect from a top-end copywriter. I run that side of the business through SimpleWords.

I also speak about blogging, creating content and using storytelling in business – and I’m rapidly building up the social media coaching and training side of the business.

…And as the headline suggests, I’m also a Dad. Two now at university and one teenage boy still at home – most probably raiding the fridge.

  • Work
    • Blogger