Mark Siefring MD

Doctor of Medicine in Talent, Oregon

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Mark Siefring MD, is a profound example of how a medical professional can blend extensive knowledge with deep compassion, impacting far beyond traditional medical settings. His journey in medicine is marked by a passionate dedication to healthcare and an enduring kindness that resonates with patients and colleagues alike. With an impressive track record of working internationally and a collection of significant academic honors, his career is distinguished by a commitment to empathy and scholarly pursuit.

Siefring was born in Louisville, Kentucky, where his early interest in science set the stage for his future academic and professional achievements. He began his higher education at the University of Louisville, earning a Master's Degree in Molecular Virology with a research focus on avian influenza. He continued at the University of Louisville School of Medicine, graduating with a Medical Doctorate in 1995. This education laid the foundation for his specialization in Internal Medicine, which he pursued at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.

His global medical education expanded during his final year of medical school, when he spent four months abroad training at Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital in Hangzhou, China. Here, he deepened his medical knowledge and gained valuable experience with Traditional Chinese Medicine, including acupuncture.

Throughout his career, Mark has been committed to furthering his education and skills, earning diplomas in Practical Dermatology from Cardiff University and in Dermoscopy from Graz Medical University in Austria. His academic interest in skin cancer led him to the University of Queensland in Australia, where he completed a Master’s Degree in Skin Cancer, focusing his thesis on arsenic as a skin cancer carcinogen. His work was later published in the British Journal of Medicine.

Professionally, Mark Siefring serves at Asante Physician Partners in Medford, Oregon, where he is known for his expertise in dermatology and internal medicine. His role involves comprehensive patient care, from consultations to complex surgical procedures addressing skin cancer and various dermatological issues. His dual certification allows him to provide a broad spectrum of care, establishing him as a pivotal figure in both his local medical community and the broader field of dermatology.

  • Education
    • University of Louisville School of Medicine
    • Baylor College of Medicine
    • Cardiff University
    • University of Louisville
    • University of Queensland