Mark Whitworth

I am full of adventure.Study political history. Why we love each other. Love is in my heart. Happiness is there for me to achive. I like to make people laugh.I have been in direct sales for thirty five years. Acting comes Easy. Saeling your self to other .Making them beleave in what you are telling them.Trust will come nexts. Moutains rivers are in my soul. I love laying down in the water on a hot day. Having the river go over my body. Filling the sun rays on my skin. Lets you no how good it fills to be a live and full of energy to exspore the rest of your adventure. Space I like to study about how big our universe is. It nevers ends. It is like time. Just keep going own. The faster you go in space the slower time is on earth. Clock travel faster in space then they do on earth. There are worm holes in space. Time travel is there at the right time. If you get caught innthe middle and it closes on you. You could vanish. Timeing is most important.Space is cool and it leave no room for a misstake. I always had animals in my life. They make you laugh and they alway love to see you. Water is the blood in your vaine. I love going to the ocean and scuba dive. The million of fish all around you. So much food that could feed the world. I like to fish and teach other how to fish. How to clean a fish. Hunting is fun to. I hunt only for food. I love nature that much. Only take what you need from nature. Life is a circle and the circle gose around. My relationship our strong and they will last for ever. Having a great wife or girl friend is very important to me. All ways have some one that you can share you heart with. Learn to open up to others. It is ok to let your guard down. Let some one come into your life.I like to travel and go to other country"s. Mexico is one of the counrt"y i like to trael threw. France is a great place. I like to ride off road trucks.Play in the mud. The world as I see it. Full of Adventures,Paine,Happiness,Love,Sadness,Exsightment,Some of the thing that we will on a day by day .