Marlon Katsigazi

Writer, Teacher, and Life Coach in Durham, North Carolina

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Marlon Katsigazi is an author, poet, encourager, and teacher of truth. He resides in Durham, North Carolina and is a member of New Bethel Church. He is part of the leadership team of the prophetic and prayer ministry at New Bethel Church. Though Marlon grew up as a Christian, he was unsatisfied and knew there was something more. As a result, he went on a journey to seek the Living God and was radically transformed when he encountered the God of love in 2013. During the encounter, he came to the knowledge of how much God loves humanity (His children).

Marlon is now passionate about sharing the love and truth of God. His desire is to see people come to the truth of God that brings freedom and purpose. Marlon believes the hour has come for the sons and daughters of God to rise up in their true identity and show the reality of God through their lives.

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