Marlow Gish

Business Leader and Consultant in United States

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Marlow Gish is the Founder and Chairman of Professional Analytical Services Corp.

A business leader with nearly two decades of experience in private and public investment banking and consulting, Marlow Gish is a master at tackling challenging financial situations. As the head of his own consulting team, Gish brings this invaluable expertise to the table for the benefit of his clients, who maintain business entities across a variety of industries. A firm believer in innovation through analysis, Gish is dedicated to providing his clients with innovative business solutions that adhere to a structured approach of due diligence and critical financial analysis.

Marlow Gish is also a fierce proponent in pushing for the universal adoption of clean energy. He has embraced this innovative field from the very beginning. Still new in nature, Gish is honored to have navigated the terrain every step of the way.