Mary Palmer

Mary Palmer & Associates, LLC, are consultants in Education and the Arts. Mary and her Associates work with whole school change through arts integration. In addition, they work with community arts organizations to improve and enhance their Education programs. Mary's specialty is arts education for children and youth in both school and community settings. Now Professor Emerita at the University of Central Florida, she has served as Professor of Music Education, Coordinator of Graduate Studies in Music Education, and Dean of the College of Education. Since 1985, she has served as senior author of multiple Pre-Kindergarten through grade 8 music textbook series published by Silver Burdett/Scott Foresman; these books are used by teachers and students worldwide. She is the Founder and first Director of Florida’s Arts for a Complete Education/Florida Alliance for Arts Education; this program has been instrumental in developing programs and policies affecting arts education in Florida. She has taught in colleges, universities and PK – 12 schools throughout the United States as well as in England, Italy, Germany, Panama, South Africa, Japan, and Peru. Her extensive travels and teaching experiences are evident in her global perspective. Her many awards include recognition from Florida’s Governor, Legislature, and Department of State for her leadership in Arts Education; ACE of Hearts; Pi Delta Kappa Educator of the Year; Florida Music Educators Hall of Fame; UCF Quill Award. She was named a Fulbright Scholar to research in South America. Mary holds Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees in Music Education from the University of Illinois. Mary is a frequent speaker, workshop presenter, program developer, and arts integration consultant throughout the United States.