Luca Marzano

Software architect, Designer, and Full stack developer in Berlin, Deutschland

Luca Marzano

Software architect, Designer, and Full stack developer in Berlin, Deutschland

Born 1979.03.30 in Mesagne (BR) [Italy]
Living in Berlin since 2000.03.27
Loving father of Olivia Neve since 2010.05.23 and Naìla Viviana since 2021.12.09

HandsOn IT Consultant - Software architect - Sailor 時 - FullStack Freelance - Openminded thinker - Technology Consultant- Photography enthusiast - Food lover - Maths devotee - UX-UI-Web-Graphic-Designer - Calligraphist

Nerd since 1987

  • Work
    • elettronelibero &
  • Education
    • Dipl. Design. Electronic Business
    • Dipl. Inform.
    • Universitá degli studi di Firenze