Yuliana S.Pd

Teacher, Father, and Editor in Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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Hi, I’m Yuliana. I’m a teacher living in Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I am a fan of technology, entrepreneurship, and education. I’m also interested in innovation and web development. You can view my portfolio with a click on the button above.

am currently active as a Guru at SKB Kulon Progo, a special area of Yogyakarta. The concentration of work on non-formal education with work scale covers the area of kulon progo district. I am always interested in new things that are innovative in the field of technology and able to give me inspiration for further development of it.
some things that matter is when things I do can be useful or helpful to others. I do not have to measure it from the economic side but good results and useful for others is a satisfaction for me.
Family, environment and society is something that is very meaningful in my life. whatever I do always wants to be able to give something useful to them even if it is sometimes tiring.