Matei Popovici
Bucharest, Romania
I am currently working in the Systems group from POLITEHNICA’s (UPB) Computer Science Department.
My research interests are related to:
- game-theoretic aspects of (mobile) networking
- logics for program verification and symbolic execution for computer networks
I am currently working in the Trilogy 2 research project, and teaching Algorithms & Complexity Theory and Programming Paradigms at the Faculty Computer Science and Automatic Control. I am also interested in functional programming and machine learning.
Recent projects:
ISP Games - modeling client & provider interaction on a Internet market with MultipathTCP.
Symnet - a tool for network verification using symbolic execution
RevBG - hiding and revealing information in Boolean Games for sensor networks
Selected recent publications:
R. Stoenescu, V. Olteanu, M. Popovici, M. Ahmed, J. Martins, R. Bifulco, F. Manco, F. Huici, G. Smaragdakis, M. Handley, C. Raiciu: In-Net: in-network processing for the masses, EuroSys 2015
N. Bulling, M. Popovici: A game-theoretic approach to compute stable topologies in mobile ad hoc networks, Journal of Logic and Computation, 2014.
N. Bulling, W. Jamroga, M. Popovici: Agents with truly perfect recall in alternating-time temporal logic. AAMAS 2014.
N. Bulling, W. Jamroga, M. Popovici: ATL* With Truly Perfect Recall: Expressivity and Validities, ECAI 2014.
You can also check the my official UPB page.